Bring back the Orphanages - The Insider Channel 4 09/03/2007
Bring back the Orphanages - The Insider, Channel 4
This Channel 4 programme, part of "The Insider" series, was broadcast on Friday March 9th 2007 at 7.30pm.
In the programme I argued the case for a more positive view of children's homes.
As part of the filming we visited Germany to see how things are done differently (and better) there. It also included interviews with Lord Laming who is on the government committee for considering placement policy for the forthcoming White Paper on care and Martin Narey, ex-Director General of the Prison Service now Chief Executive of Barnardos.
"This fascinating film by the author Phil Frampton is easily the best of (The Insider) series so far." The Sunday Times
"a model of how to present an unpopular argument - and all the more convincing." Church Times
You can watch programme here.
You can download a copy of the programme here (Zip file - 150 MBytes).